Drophipping or PL Store
Learn About Drop shipping Store Or Private Label(PL) Stores. In this blog learn multiple things but our main focus is How to check the competitor website? Search Shopify IP in Google. You can see Shopify IP on the top of searches 237.38.65, Open another tab and search Myip.ms. This will give you all the necessary details about the Shopify store name, phone number, and country store name. Click on another site on IP in the owner IP range option. Now you can see a list of all stores built on the Shopify store. Choose any website and copy the URL and paste it to another tape-open website to check details. Useful extensions for Shopify ✔️ Koala inspector ✔️ Commerce Extension ✔️ Ali Express search by image. How to check the theme of Shopify store? Install an extension like a Koala inspector. Open a website and open koala inspector with all details of competitor URLs, theme applications that they are using in their Shopify store, products they are selling in their best seller or any other category. How to analyze the Shopify Store? Install Commerce extension It will help you to find the date of product uploads when uploaded, site details, and theme. You can also download the theme here which is used. You can check the ads campaign, and on which site they are running campaigns. How do check Shopify store is a Drop shipping or private label (PL) Store? Install the extension Ali Express search by image. Open any store related to your niche on the website” myip.ms. Right-click on the product you will see the extension Ali Express by image. Open the extension it will show you whether this product is available on Ali Express or not if the product is available on Ali Express it means it’s a drop shipping store, if a product is not available on Ali Express, it is a private label or PL Store. You can check the prices of competitors here you can set your price. You can also check the ranking of the store.